IRS-1 Inhibition Antibody Sampler Kit #12879
Product Information
Kit Usage Information
Product Description
The IRS-1 Inhibition Antibody Sampler Kit provides an economical means to evaluate insulin signaling negative feedback loops via phosphorylation of various IRS-1 serine residues. The kit includes enough antibody to perform two western blot experiments with each primary antibody.
Insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) is one of the major substrates of the insulin receptor kinase (1). IRS-1 contains multiple tyrosine phosphorylation motifs that serve as docking sites for SH2-domain containing proteins that mediate the metabolic and growth-promoting functions of insulin (2-4). IRS-1 also contains over 30 potential serine/threonine phosphorylation sites, many of which are related to negative feedback loops activated during insulin signaling. Ser302 (human Ser307) of IRS-1 is regulated by FOX01 (5), IKKγ, and MYO1C (6). Ser307 (human Ser312) of IRS-1 is phosphorylated by JNK (7) and IKK (8). PKC phosphorylates mouse IRS-1 at Ser318 (human Ser323) by insulin receptor activation or by other stimulation such as TPA, IL-6, and retinoic acid treatment (9-12). The PKC and mTOR pathways mediate phosphorylation of IRS-1 at Ser612 (human Ser616) and Ser632/635 (human Ser636/639), respectively (13,14). Phosphorylation of IRS-1 at Ser1097 (human Ser1101) is mediated by PKCθ and results in an inhibition of insulin signaling in the cell, suggesting a potential mechanism for insulin resistance in some models of obesity (15).
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