SignalSilence® MUC1 siRNA I #13253
Inquiry Info. # 13253
Please see our recommended alternatives.
Supporting Data
Species Cross-Reactivity Key:
- H-Human
Product Information
Product Usage Information
CST recommends transfection with 100 nM SignalSilence® MUC1 siRNA I 48 to 72 hours prior to cell lysis. For transfection procedure, follow protocol provided by the transfection reagent manufacturer. Please feel free to contact CST with any questions on use.
Each vial contains the equivalent of 100 transfections, which corresponds to a final siRNA concentration of 100 nM per transfection in a 24-well plate with a total volume of 300 μl per well.
Product Description
Quality Control
- Baldus, S.E. et al. (2004) Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 41, 189-231.
- Schroeder, J.A. et al. (2001) J Biol Chem 276, 13057-64.
- Li, Y. et al. (1998) Mol Cell Biol 18, 7216-24.
- Li, Y. et al. (2001) J Biol Chem 276, 6061-4.
- Ren, J. et al. (2002) J Biol Chem 277, 17616-22.
- Schroeder, J.A. et al. (2004) Oncogene 23, 5739-47.
- Raina, D. et al. (2004) J Biol Chem 279, 20607-12.
- Wei, X. et al. (2005) Cancer Cell 7, 167-78.
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