PTMScan® Succinyl-Lysine Motif [Succ-K] Kit #13764
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Product Information
Product Usage Information
PTMScan® Succinyl-Lysine Motif (Succ-K) Kit has a higher sensitivity and specificity magnetic bead version: PTMScan® HS Succinyl-Lysine Motif (Succ-K) Kit in 10-assay (#60724) or 3-assay (#79589) formats.
Product Description
Sirt 5 is a predominantly mitochondrial desuccinylase and demalonylase (5,6). In the absence of a known succinyltransferase, succinylation is likely driven by the concentration of succinyl-CoA and intracellular pH and is subject to metabolic fluctuations (7,8). Protein succinylation is especially prevalent among mitochondrial metabolic proteins and bacteria, further solidifying the evolutionary link between mitochondria and prokaryotes. It often occurs at lysine residues that are alternatively acetylated or ubiquitinated. More than a thousand lysine succinylation sites were identified on hundreds of proteins including glutamate dehydrogenase (15 sites), malate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, carbamoyl phosphate synthase 1, and histone proteins (9).
- Liu, Z. et al. (2014) Nucleic Acids Res 42, D531-6.
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- Zhang, Z. et al. (2011) Nat Chem Biol 7, 58-63.
- Du, J. et al. (2011) Science 334, 806-9.
- Peng, C. et al. (2011) Mol Cell Proteomics 10, M111.012658.
- Rardin, M.J. et al. (2013) Cell Metab 18, 920-33.
- Park, J. et al. (2013) Mol Cell 50, 919-30.
- Weinert, B.T. et al. (2013) Cell Rep 4, 842-51.
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