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核小体,由四个核心组蛋白(H2A、H2B、H3 和 H4)和链接组蛋白 H1 组成,是染色质的主体结构。组蛋白起初被认为是一个 DNA 包装的静态支架,最近证明是动态的蛋白质,它经历了多种类型的翻译后修饰,这些翻译后修饰主要调节染色质凝聚和 DNA 可接近性。例如,赖氨酸残基乙酰化长期以来一直被认为与组蛋白沉积和转录激活相关,而最近发现其与 DNA 修复相关。丝氨酸和苏氨酸残基磷酸化促进有丝分裂期间的染色质凝聚和即刻早期基因的转录激活。赖氨酸和精氨酸残基甲基化是形成转录活跃和不活跃的染色质区域的主要决定因素,并且对发育过程中基因组的正确编程至关重要。


组蛋白 位点 组蛋白修饰酶 推荐功能 参考#
H2A Lys4 (S. cerevisiae) Esa1 transcriptional activation (1)
Lys 5 (mammals) Tip60, p300/CBP transcriptional activation (2,3)
Lys7 (S. cerevisiae) Hat1 unknown (4)
Esa1 transcriptional activation (1)
H2B Lys5 p300, ATF2 transcriptional activation (5,3)
Lys11 (S. cerevisiae) Gcn5 transcriptional activation (6)
Lys12 (mammals) p300/CBP, ATF2 transcriptional activation (5,3)
Lys15 (mammals) p300/CBP, ATF2 transcriptional activation (5,3)
Lys16 (S. cerevisiae) Gcn5, Esa1 transcriptional activation (6)
Lys20 p300 transcriptional activation (3)
H3 Lys4 (S. cerevisiae) Esa1 transcriptional activation (1)
Hpa2 unknown (7)
Lys9 unknown histone deposition (8)
Gcn5, SRC-1 transcriptional activation (10,9)
Lys14 unknown histone deposition (8)
Gcn5, PCAF transcriptional activation (11,3)
Esa1, Tip60 transcriptional activation (2,1)
DNA repair (11,12)
SRC-1 transcriptional activation (10)
Elp3 transcriptional activation (elongation) (13)
Hpa2 unknown (7)
hTFIIIC90 RNA polymerase III transcription (14)
TAF1 RNA polymerase II transcription (15)
Sas2 euchromatin (16)
Sas3 transcriptional activation (elongation) (17)
p300 transcriptional activation (3)
Lys18 Gcn5 transcriptional activation, DNA repair (9)
p300/CBP DNA replication, transcriptional activation (18,3)
Lys23 unknown histone deposition (8)
Gcn5 transcriptional activation, DNA repair (9)
Sas3 transcriptional activation (elongation) (17)
p300/CBP transcriptional activation (18,3)
Lys27 p300/CBP transcriptional activation (93, 94)
Lys36 Gcn5 transcriptional activation (82)
Lys56 (S. cerevisiae) Spt10 transcriptional activation (19)
DNA repair (20)
H4 Lys5 Hat1 histone deposition (21)
Esa1, Tip60 transcriptional activation (2,1)
DNA repair (11,12)
ATF2 transcriptional activation (5)
Hpa2 unknown (7)
p300 transcriptional activation (3)
Lys8 Gcn5, PCAF transcriptional activation (22,3)
Esa1, Tip60 transcriptional activation (2,1)
DNA repair (11,12)
ATF2 transcriptional activation (5)
Elp3 transcriptional activation (elongation) (13)
p300 transcriptional activation (3)
Lys12 Hat1 histone deposition (21)
telomeric silencing (23)
Esa1, Tip60 transcriptional activation (2,1)
DNA repair (11,12)
Hpa2 unknown (7)
p300 transcriptional activation (3)
Lys16 Gcn15 transcriptional activation (22)
MOF (D. melanogaster) transcriptional activation (24)
Esa1, Tip60 transcriptional activation (2,1)
DNA repair (11,12)
ATF2 transcriptional activation (5)
Sas2 euchromatin (6,2)
Lys91 (S. cerevisiae) Hat1/Hat2 chromatin assembly (25)


组蛋白 位点 组蛋白修饰酶 推荐功能 参考#
H1 Lys26 Ezh2 transcriptional silencing (48, 49)
H2A Arg3 PRMT1/6, PRMT5/7 transcriptional activation, transcriptional repression (83)
H3 Arg2 PRMT5, PRMT6 transcriptional repression (83)
Arg8 PRMT5, PRMT2/6 transcriptional activation, transcriptional repression (31, 88)
Arg17 CARM1 transcriptional activation (18)
Arg26 CARM1 transcriptional activation (83)
Arg42 CARM1 transcriptional activation (89)
Lys4 Set1 (S. cerevisiae) permissive euchromatin (di-Me) (26)
Set 7/9 (vertebrates) transcriptional activation (tri-Me) (27)
MLL, ALL-1 transcriptional activation (28, 29)
Ash1 (D. melanogaster) transcriptional activation (30)
Lys9 Suv39h, Clr4 transcriptional silencing (tri-Me) (32, 33)
G9a transcriptional repression genomic imprinting (34)
SETDB1 transcriptional repression (tri-Me) (35)
Dim-5 (N. crassa), Kryptonite (A. thaliana) DNA methylation (tri-Me) (36, 37)
Ash1 (D. melanogaster) transcriptional activation (30)
Lys27 Ezh2 transcriptional silencing (38)
X inactivation (tri-Me)  
G9a transcriptional silencing (34)
Lys36 Set2 transcriptional activation (elongation) (39)
Lys79 Dot1 euchromatin (40)
transcriptional activation (elongation) (41)
checkpoint response (42)
H4 Arg3 PRMT1/6 transcriptional activation (43)
PRMT5/7 transcriptional repression (31)
Lys20 PR-Set7 transcriptional silencing (mono-Me) (44)
Suv4-20h heterochromatin (tri-Me) (45)
Ash1 (D. melanogaster) transcriptional activation (30)
Set9 (S. pombe) checkpoint response (46)
Lys59 unknown transcriptional silencing (47)


组蛋白 位点 组蛋白修饰酶 推荐功能 参考#
H1 Ser27 unknown transcriptional activation, chromatin decondensation (48,49)
H2A Ser1 unknown mitosis, chromatin assembly (50)
MSK1 transcriptional repression (51)
Ser122 (S. cerevisiae) unknown DNA repair (53)
Ser129 (S. cerevisiae) Mec1, Tel1 DNA repair (54,55)
Ser139 (mammalian H2A.X) ATR, ATM, DNA-PK DNA repair (56-58)
Thr119 (D. melanogaster) NHK1 mitosis (52)
Thr120 (mammals) Bub1, VprBP mitosis, transcriptional repression (90,91)
Thr142 (mammalian H2A.X) WSTF apoptosis, DNA repair (92)
H2B Ser10 (S. cerevisiae) Ste20 apoptosis (59)
Ser14 (vertebrates) Mst1 apoptosis (60)
unknown DNA repair (61)
Ser33 (D. melanogaster) TAF1 transcriptional activation (62)
Ser36 AMPK transcriptional activation (84)
H3 Ser10 Aurora-B kinase mitosis, meiosis (64,65)
MSK1, MSK2 immediate-early gene activation (66)
IKK-α transcriptional activation (67)
Snf1 transcriptional activation (68)
Ser28 (mammals) Aurora-B kinase mitosis (70)
MSK1, MSK2 immediate-early activation (66,71)
Thr3 Haspin/Gsg2 mitosis (63)
Thr6 PKCβI   (85)
Thr11 (mammals) Dlk/Zip mitosis (69)
Tyr41 JAK2 transcriptional activation (86)
Tyr45 PKCδ apoptosis (87)
H4   unknown mitosis, chromatin assembly (50)
Ser1 CK2 DNA repair (71)


组蛋白 位点 组蛋白修饰酶 推荐功能 参考#
H2A Lys119 (mammals) Ring2 spermatogenesis (73)
H2B Lys120 (mammals) UbcH6 meiosis (74)
Lys123 (S. cerevisiae) Rad6 transcriptional activation (75)


组蛋白 位点 组蛋白修饰酶 推荐功能 参考#
H2A Lys126 (S. cerevisiae) Ubc9 transcriptional repression (76)
H2B Lys6 or Lys7 (S. cerevisiae) Ubc9 transcriptional repression (76)
H4 N-terminal tail (S. cerevisiae) Ubc9 transcriptional repression (77)


组蛋白 位点 组蛋白修饰酶 推荐功能 参考#
H2A Lys9 biotinidase unknown (78)
Lys13 biotinidase unknown (78)
H3 Lys4 biotinidase gene expression (79)
Lys9 biotinidase gene expression (79)
Lys18 biotinidase gene expression (79)
H4 Lys12 biotinidase DNA damage response (80,81)

CST 在此感谢马萨诸塞州伍斯特的马萨诸塞大学医学院的 Craig Peterson 教授审核此表格。


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创建于 2007 年 5 月

修订时间 2018 年 3 月