Revision 2


Store at +4C

PathScan® Phospho-c-Kit (Tyr719) Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair

1 Kit

(Reagents for 4 x 96 well plates)

Species Cross Reactivity:

UniProt ID:

Entrez-Gene Id:

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877-616-CELL (2355)

[email protected]


877-678-TECH (8324)

3 Trask Lane | Danvers | Massachusetts | 01923 | USA

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Product Includes Product # Volume Cap Color Storage Temp
c-Kit Capture Mouse mAb (100X)28041400 µlPink+4C
Phospho-c-Kit (Tyr719) Rabbit Detection Antibody (100X)46464400 µlBlue+4C
Anti-rabbit IgG, HRP-linked Antibody (1000X)2594440 µlRed-20C

Please visit for a complete listing of recommended companion products.


CST's PathScan® Phospho-c-Kit (Tyr719) Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair is offered as an economical alternative to our PathScan® Phospho-c-Kit (Tyr719) Sandwich ELISA Kit #7298. Capture and Detection Antibodies (100X stocks) and HRP-Conjugated Secondary Antibody (1000X stock) are supplied. Sufficient reagents are supplied for 4 x 96 well ELISAs. The c-Kit Mouse Capture Antibody is coated in PBS overnight in a 96 well microplate. After blocking, cell lysates are added followed by Phospho-c-Kit (Tyr719) Rabbit Detection Antibody and Anti-rabbit IgG, HRP-linked Antibody. HRP substrate (TMB) is added for color development. The magnitude of the absorbance for this developed color is proportional to the quantity of phospho-c-Kit (Tyr719) protein.
Antibodies in kit are custom formulations specific to kit.

Reagents not supplied

Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS-20X) #9808
Phosphate Buffered Saline with Tween-20 (PBST-20X) #9809
Cell Lysis Buffer (10X) #9803
TMB Substrate #7004
STOP Solution #7002
Blocking Buffer: 1X PBS/0.5% Tween-20, 1% BSA
96 Well Microplates**
Microplate Reader
** Antibody Pairs have been validated on Corning© 96 Well Clear Polystyrene High Bind Stripwell™ Microplates (#2592).

Notes: Antibody pairs have been optimized using recommended buffers, reagents, plates and the included protocol. Solutions should be made fresh daily.


c-Kit is a member of the subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases that includes PDGF, CSF-1, and FLT3/flk-2 receptors (1,2). It plays a critical role in activation and growth in a number of cell types, including hematopoietic stem cells, mast cells, melanocytes, and germ cells (3). Upon binding with its stem cell factor (SCF) ligand, c-Kit undergoes dimerization/oligomerization and autophosphorylation. Activation of c-Kit results in the recruitment and tyrosine phosphorylation of downstream SH2-containing signaling components, including PLCγ, the p85 subunit of PI3 kinase, SHP2, and CrkL (4). Molecular lesions that impair the kinase activity of c-Kit are associated with a variety of developmental disorders (5), and mutations that constitutively activate c-Kit can lead to pathogenesis of mastocytosis and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (6). Tyr719 is located in the kinase insert region of the catalytic domain. c-Kit phosphorylated at Tyr719 binds to the p85 subunit of PI3 kinase in vitro and in vivo (7).

Applications Key


Cross-Reactivity Key

H: Human M: Mouse R: Rat Hm: Hamster Mk: Monkey Vir: Virus Mi: Mink C: Chicken Dm: D. melanogaster X: Xenopus Z: Zebrafish B: Bovine Dg: Dog Pg: Pig Sc: S. cerevisiae Ce: C. elegans Hr: Horse GP: Guinea Pig Rab: Rabbit G: Goat All: All Species Expected

Trademarks and Patents

Cell Signaling Technology is a trademark of Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.

PathScan is a registered trademark of Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit for more information.


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Orders: 877-616-CELL (2355) [email protected] Support: 877-678-TECH (8324) [email protected] Web:
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Revision 2

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The relationship between protein concentration of lysates from untreated and SCF-treated H526 lysates and the absorbance at 450 nm is shown. Cells (0.5x106 cells/ml) were serum starved overnight and then treated with Human Stem Cell Factor (hSCF) #8925 (100 ng/ml) for 5 min at 37°C, and then lysed.
ELISA Image 1: PathScan<sup>®</sup> Phospho-c-Kit (Tyr719) Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair
Orders: 877-616-CELL (2355) [email protected] Support: 877-678-TECH (8324) [email protected] Web:
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.